Historic Tales of Oak Bluffs by Skip Finley

1874, 69 - 72

Abbot, Lucy “Bideau” Hart 142 - 144

Abbott, George C. 50

Abolitionists 31, 34, 38, 87, 121

Adams, President John 71

Agassiz Hall 73

Agassiz, Louis 19, 73-74

Ahearn, (Blind Uncle) Nathan 105 -106

Ahoma 23

Airplanes: “$10.00 for 10 Minutes” 115

Allston, Carroll 116

Allston, Maggie 134

Allston, Phillip J. 96

Amsterdam News 129, 144 - 145, 147 - 148

Anderson, John 73

Anderson, Marian 115

Arcade, The 105 - 106

Arthur Godfrey Show

Arthur, President Chester 71

Atlantic Slipper Shell (C. fornicata)/’limpet’ 156 - 157

Automobile Arrives 93

Azores 14, 30, 91, 122, 124

Babcock, George 75

Baird, Jessie Little Doe 25

Ballou, Phoebe Moseley Adams 82

Barbary Coast 27, 36

Barmakian, Ed 101

Barnett, Etta Moten 132

Beese, Lyman 101

Berry, Hallie 99

Bird, Reverend Henry L. 136

Biscuits 80

Black Citizens 78

Black Resort 129

Blake, Chief Eric 158

Blake, Eileen

Bliss, Elmer J. 93

Block, Barbara 81

Block, Rae 81

Block, Walter 81

Blood, Hiram A. 78

Bloomberg, Mayor Michael 159

Bodfish, Eben Davis 68, 95, 118 - 119

Bodfish, Elizabeth Jewett Legg 68

Bolling Family 160 - 161

Bolling Jr., Royal 160

Bolling Sr., Royal 160

Bolling, Bruce 160

Booker, Senator Corey 139

Boston Herald 112 - 113

Bounding Billow (the), 51

Boyle, James 101

Bradley Memorial Church 90, 120, 136

Bradley, Susan Clapp 89

Bradley, William 31, 40, 41

Braun, Senator Carol Moseley 139

Brickner, Rabbi Balfour 136

Broitman, Rabbi Caryn 39

Brooke, Edwina 141

Brooke, Remi 141

Brooke, Remiga 141

Brooke, Senator Edward W. 130, 132 -134, 139-142, 145, 159

Brooks, Geraldine 158

Brown, Myron J. 116

Brownell, Henry 50

Bunny Cottage 125

Burleigh, Henry (Harry) Thacker 99, 114 - 115

Bush, President George H. W. 151

Bush, President George W. 21, 110

C’est La Vie gift shop 80

Cain, John Harry Monus John Peter Tobirus Peter Toskirus Peter Tubal (Old Harry) 29-30

Call’s Market 82

Cape May 129

Captain’s Table 157

Captains of Cottage City 39

Carpenter, Erastus Payton 40, 43, 45, 49, 50, 68, 70, 122

Carpenter, Mary Jane 60

Carter, Betsey 32

Castle Theater 111

Castro, Fidel 136

Cerberus (the) 28

Charles W. Morse, The 122

Chase, Captain John 21

Christina, The 51

City in the Woods 26, 39, 58

Claflin University 37

Claflin, William 37, 70

Clancy, Alexandra Llewellyn 132

Clancy, Tom 132

Clinton, President William 71, 126, 161

Clinton, Senator Hillary Rodham 99

Cohan, Anna M. 113

Coin Diving 157

Coleman, Luella Barnett (Granny) 131

Coleman, Ralf Meshack 131

Coleman, Warren 99, 102

Coleman’s Corner 131

Collier, Reverend J.N. 51

Collins, Grafton Norton Collins 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 50

Combra, Herb 101

Coolidge, President Calvin 71, 117, 161

Copeland, Robert Morris 34-35, 40, 44, 45, 59

Corbin, Philip 17 - 18

Corey, Henry 18, 131

Cornelia, The 122

Cornell, Katherine 104, 115

Costello, M. 78

Cottage City Herald 93

Cottage City Star 48, 74, 75, 83, 86

Cottagers (Inc.) (Corner) 81-82, 133 – 134, 153

Cousen Rose 79-80

Coutinho, Wayne 155 - 157

Coveney, Bob 126

Cromwell, Dr. Adelaide M. 130, 141

Daggett, John 23

Daggett, Joseph 23, 91

Dare, Charles 84

Darrow, Ira Darrow 40, 42, 43

Davey, William Melvin 130 - 131

Davis, Phebe A. (Norton) 41

De Lamar, Captain Joseph Raphael 93

DeBettencourt, Nelson 120

Deitz, Kenny 120

Deitz, Phyllis Clair 119

Delegate, The 137 - 138

Denniston, (Madison, Olive, Dean, Baron, Gerald Dean) 90-91

Denniston, Oscar Edward 89, 91

DePasse, Barbara Brown 132

DePasse, Suzanne 132

Dermer, Captain Thomas 20

Dexter, Mrs. P.R. 71

Diamond, The 21

Dias, Joseph 48, 80

Dickerson, Nat 102

Dickerson, Natalie 102

Dickson, Allen F. 71-72

Dickson, Lizzie C. 71

Dixie 87

Domitrovich, Katherine 153

Domitrovich, Paul 153

Douglass, Frederick 33, 35, 37, 129

Dreamland 109

Dreyfuss, Richard 112

Dufty, William 131

Dukes County Savings Bank 36, 62

Dunham, Captain Thomas 52

Dunlop, Tom 19

Dvořák, Antonín 114

Eagle Theater 111 - 112

Eagleston, Allen P. 111

Edelin, Dr. Kenneth C. 146 – 147, 152

Edgartown Lyceum 36

Edwards, Madison 89

Electricity 85

Elliott, Samuel K. 69, 71

Epanow 20

Ericsson, Leif 20

Farm Neck Golf Club 102

Finley Mildred V. 3, 15, 140

Finley, Debbie (Deborah E. Jackson) 17, 18, 39

Finley, Dr. Cheryl 83

Finley, Ewell W. 3, 15, 126

Finley, Glenn 17, 18

Fisher Island Brick Manufacturing Company 17

Fisher, Abigail Osborn 35

Fisher, Captain Jared 93

Fisher, Charlie 102

Flanders, Stephen 49, 77

Flint, John D. 65

Flying Horses 84, 108

Foster, David R. 19

Frye, George 78

Fuller, Melvin B. 116

Garrison, William 37

Gates, Jr., Dr. Henry Louis 99, 112

Gibson Jr., Truman R. 132

Gibson, Althea 138

Gibson, Isabelle 132

Gilkes, Cooper A. 109, 120

Giordano’s 70, 157

Giosmas, George 157

Girdlestone Park 108

Glacier, The 122

Godfrey, Etta 55, 108

Gold Coast 129, 157, 160

Gold Rush 36

Golf 101

Gonsalves, Manuel 131

Gonyon, Cloftus L. 65

Gosnold, Bartholomew 20

Goupee, Augusten (Augustus G. Wesley) 68-69

Grand Army of the Republic 87

Grant, Julia 71

Grant, President Ulysses S. 38, 45, 69-71, 86

Greene, Hamilton J. 118

Hand, Priscilla 116

Hardman, Della Louise Brown Taylor 155

Hardy, Will 108, 120

Harris, Senator Kamala 139

Hart, Stanley 142, 144

Hart, William H. 17, 144

Hatfield, Reverend E.H. 117

Haven, Gilbert 38, 70

Hayden, Robert 155

Henson, Josiah 34

Herald, The 112

Hiacoomes 22-23, 121, 150

Hicks, James L. 144 – 145, 147-148

Highland Beach 129

Highland House Hotel 64

Highland Property Trust 119

Hillman, Beriah T. 48-49

Hills, Joel 43, 45

Hills, William S. 40, 43

Hine, C.G. 81

Hitchcock, Edward 19

Holiday, Billie 131

Holland, Jacqueline Lois Jones 78, 82

Holmes Jr., Justice Oliver Wendell 50, 66

Holte, Clarence Leroy 154

Holy Ghost Association 91

Hough, Henry Beetle 36, 40, 71, 91, 95-96, 101, 104, 117, 135

Howard University 3, 141, 144 - 145, 161

Hoyt, J.W. 59

Hughes, Robert 101

Hunter-Gault, Charlayne 126

Hurston, Zora Neale 99

Idlewild 129

Illumination and Fireworks 70

Impey, Lillian Cotton 60

Inkwell 17, 43, 99-100, 107, 115-116, 127, 157

Island Club, The 140

Island Country Club 101 – 102, 152

Island Theater 111 112

Izett, Louisa 78 

Jackson, Doris Pope 139

Jackson, Herbert Loring 132 – 133, 139

Jackson, L. Duane 152

Jarrett, Valerie 58

Jernegan, Captain Nathan 45

Jimmy’s Barbecue 79

Jimmy’s Chicken Shack 79

Johnny Seaview 127

Johnson, Celia 32

Johnson, Conrad A. 126

Johnson, Helene 99

Johnson, James Weldon 99

Johnson, Jeh Charles 146, 152

Jones, Charles H. “Cee Jay” 128 - 129

Jones, Lois Mailou 82, 99

Joseph, Emanuel 30

Karlsefne, Thorfinn 20

Katama and the Railroad 45

Katherine Cornell Theater 115

Kennedy, Joseph P. 130

Kennedy, President John F. 71, 125, 134, 161

Killing and Murder in the News 71

King Diniz 91

King Jr., Martin Luther 100, 128, 135, 147, 152


Index Cont.

Lamson, Ebenezer 35, 36, 62

Lee, Linsey 83

Lee, Robert E. 86

Lee, Spike 152

Liberator, The 37

Lincoln, Abraham 122

Linton, Edward Dobbs 36, 37

Lippman, Coco 102

Llewellyn, Jackie Brown 132

Lockhart, Al 102

Locomobile 93

Lola’s 101, 152 - 153

Lottie E. Cook, The 122

Louis, Joe 132

Lover’s Rock 52, 108

Luce, Benjamin 35

Luce, Captain Thomas 29

Luce, Hannah Norton 35

Luce, Ichabod Norton 35, 36, 48, 62

Luce, Mehitable 30

Luce, Silas 35

Luce, Tarleton Cadwallader 6, 36, 62

Lynton, Michael 112

MacMackin, Stuart 117

Malcolm X 135 - 136, 147

Marchant, Edgar 33, 34, 37, 42, 46

Marciano, Rocky 101

Margetson, Ann 15

Margetson, Desi 15

Margetson, Evan 17, 18

Margetson, Neil 17, 18

Marinelli, Linda 149

Mars, The 122

Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival 80, 153

Martha’s Vineyard African American Heritage Trail 29, 125, 131, 135, 140

Martha’s Vineyard Airport 124, 140

Martha’s Vineyard Comedy Fest 80

Martha’s Vineyard Herald 86

Martha’s Vineyard Hospital 25, 83, 120, 121, 123

Martha’s Vineyard Institute 73

Martha’s Vineyard Museum 81, 108, 115

Martha’s Vineyard National Bank 43

Martha’s Vineyard Railroad 36, 45, 47

Martha’s Vineyard Rod and Gun Club 119, 157

Martha’s Vineyard Summer Institute 73

Martin, Debra Chase 112

Martin, William A. 28, 78

Mason, Perez 59

Mayflower, The 21, 27

Mayhew Jr., Thomas 22

Mayhew, Governor Thomas 21

McCullough, David 15

McDonald, Torbert Hart 125

McLennan, Fred 111 - 112

Methodism 29

Michael, Sharper 28

Midas, The 122

Monkey Man 118

Morehouse College 151 - 152

Mulligan, E.A. 93, 101

NAACP 88, 102, 123, 135-136, 139, 146, 158

Neal, Alvin 50

Nelson Family 161

Nelson Sr., DDS Stanley 161

Nelson, A’lelia 161

Nelson, Jill 158

Nelson, Stanley 161

Niantic 25

Nicholson, Bill 87

Nixon, President Richard 71, 110

Noepe 20

Noepe Theater 91

Norris, Captain Howes 75

Norris, Howes 48, 75

Norton, Captain Shubael Lyman 29, 40, 41, 43, 64

Norton, Henry Franklin 13

Norton, Ichabod 29

Norton, Samuel 29

Norton, Shubael Hawes 62, 63

Norton, Winthrop B. 82

Nunnepog 20

Country Club 101

O’Brien, Georgia 78

O’Neill, Eugene 116

Oak Bluff Township, Arkansas 161

Oak Bluff, Manitoba, Canada 161

Oak Bluffs Galop, The 55, 108

Oak Bluffs Inn 80

Oak Bluffs Land & Wharf Company 16, 31, 37, 40, 48, 50, 52, 61, 63, 64, 89, 117, 122

Oakland Mission 89

Oaks Bluff Drive, Little Rock, AR 161

Oaks Bluff, Pender Island, British Columbia

Obama, President Barack 58, 71, 110, 128, 141, 159, 161

Offshore Ale 18

Ogkeshkuppe 19, 25

Old Harry 29

Old Stone Bakery 18

Old Variety Store 112

Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy 99

Orlando, The 122

Othello 115

Overton, Lenwood Joseph 135 - 136

Panic of 1873 45, 47, 61

Patrick, C. Melvin 137 - 138

Pease, Jeremiah 31, 43

Pease, John Adams 72

Pease, Jr., Jeremiah 43

Perry, Oliver H. (Johnny Seaview) 127 - 128

Perry, Reverend Leroy C. ‘Ousamequin’ (Chief Yellow Feather) 120

Peters, Jane 113

Phidelah Rice School for the Spoken Word 72, 103

Phillips (Hardware) 19

Pilgrims 27

Pina, Joe 110

Pink House 60

Pleistocene Epoch 19

Pohqu-auk 23

Pollard’s Dining Hall 79

Pope Jr., Lincoln G. 138 - 139

Pope, Gloria 138

Portuguese American Club 91 - 92

Powell Jr., Adam Clayton 2, 14, 125 – 127, 129, 132, 136, 145, 147,

Powell, Cilian B. 129, 144 – 145, 147 - 148

Powell, Isabelle Geraldine Washington 99, 125 - 127

Pratt, Samuel Freeman 59-60, 65, 70

Pratt, Sonny 102

Presidential Visit 70

Prohibition 117

Prospect House 68

Pulitzer Prize 116

Pulpit Rock 3, 23, 29-30, 36, 150

Queen Isabella 91-92 

Railton, Arthur 69

Rainbow, The 122

Rebello, Anthony 101

Rebello, Todd 71, 102

Reed, Eleanor 159 - 160

Reed, Philip H. 159 - 160

Reid, Alexander 68

Reid’s Hotel 68, 108

Reliable Grocery Store (Market) 19

Revels, Hiram Rhodes 37

Rice, Elizabeth 103

Rice, Phidelah 103

Rice, Ralph Huntington 72

Riggs, Bert 113

Roane, Reverend William B. 136

Robertson, Emily 102 – 103

Robeson, Paul 115

Robinson, Walter 144

Rocker, Eunice C. 83

Roe v. Wade 146

Roosevelt, First Lady Eleanor 132

Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano 132

Rural Improvement Society 80

Sag Harbor 129

Sands (De Lamar), Nellie 92

Saunders, John 23, 29, 78, 150

Saunders, Priscilla 29

Sayeed, Dr. Sarah 39

Scott, Ariel 93

Sea View House 65 – 67

Seaton, Robert 29

Seaview, Johnny (Oliver H. Perry) 127-128

Secession 44

Secession: 1880 77

Second Story Cinema 109

Sengekontacket Country Club 102

Shearer Cottage 97, 115

Shearer, Charles 97

Shearer, Henrietta 97

Shelley v. Kraemer 132

Simon, Anne 13

Smadbeck, Arthur 148

Smadbeck, Justine Tyrell Priestly (Gertrude Wilson) 147

Smith, Caleb 72

Smith, Captain George A. 56

Smith, Clara 72, 104

Smith, Lucy Vincent 55

Smith, Mrs. Anthony 78

Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture 97, 125, 138

Soldiers’ Memorial Fountain 85

Spencer, Jean Van Vliet 60

Sprague, Colonel Homer B. 73

Stevens, John 122

Stone, John 25

Stowe, Harriet Beecher 34

Strahan, Charles 85 – 88

Streit, Reverend John P. 87

Sullivan, Dr. Louis 100, 151 - 152

Swanson House 130 - 132

Swanson, Gloria May Josephine 130 -131

Sylvia, Joseph August 101, 124

Tabernacle 136

Talbot, Governor George Thomas 77

Tallman, ‘Shipwrecked’ Charles 51, 112

Taylor, Robert 58

Till, Emmett 145

Titticut Follies 88

Tivoli Ballroom 108 – 109, 111

Tivoli Gardens 108

Tivoli Girl 120

Towanquattick 121

Town Hall: 1882 81

Tracy, Harold (“Jan Thomas”) 72

Truman, President Harry 110

Tucker, Judge Herbert Edward 134

Twin Cottage 115

Underground Railroad 129

Van Allen, Lee Jackson 133

Van Riper, A. Bowdoin 81, 85

Vera, Frank 122 - 123

Vera, Joseph Sequeira 122 - 124

Vincent, Reverend Hebron 33

Vineyard Grove Company 64, 73, 119

Vineyard Skating Rink 108

Vineyard Trust 61

Vineyard Voices 83

Vinson, John N. 71-72

Vitascope Hall 111

Volstead Act 117

Walker, Madame C.J. 161

Wall, Kelvin 145

Walter Scott, The 35

Walton, Jocelyn Coleman 131

Wampanoag 20, 22

Washington, Booker T. 58

Washington, Richard 157

Weicker, Senator Lowell 141

Weiss, Ellen 58

Welles, Anita 60

Welles, Jack 60

Wesley House 68

Wesley, Augustus G. (Augusten Goupee) 65, 68-69

Wesley, John 68

West, Dorothy 82, 97 – 101, 125, 127, 133, 151

West, Isaac 99

West, Rachel 99

Western Union 80

White, Liz Pope 139

Whitefield, Reverend Henry 22

Wilkins, Roy 136

Williams, Dr. Daniel Hale 129

Wilson Jr., Dr. John 152

Wilson, Dave 86

Wilson, Gertrude (Justine Tyrell Priestly Smadbeck) 147

Wilson, Vice President Henry 69

Winfrey, Oprah 99

Winslow, Edward 21

Winslow, Sam 108

Wolfson, C.K. 142

Woman in Red, The 92

Women’s Christian Temperance Union 117

Woods Hole Institute 73

Wormsley, Ambler 79, 119-120

WPA Theater Project 131

Wright, Father John F. 34