Skip and Philip Hoare, author of bestselling book, The Whale - In Search of the Giants of the Sea

Skip is interviewed for the HistoryMakers project.
(photo credit: Mark Lovewell)
Skip and author, Nathaniel Philbrick, author of In the Heart of the Sea The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex

Skip in front of the Charles W. Morgan

Skip with Marita Rivero, Executive Director, Museum of African American History Boston/Nantucket

Skip and L'Merchie Frazier, Director of Education & Interpretation, Museum of African American History Boston/Nantucket

Skip with his wife, Karen, and Charity Grace Mofsen, Associate Director of Nantucket Operations at Museum of African American History

Skip with Frances Kartunnen, Nantucket author & Historian
Skip viewing A Spectacle in Motion: The Grand Panorama of a Whaling Voyage Around the World, an exhibit of the New Bedford Whaling Museum from July – October 2018. Created by Benjamin Russell and Caleb Purrington in 1848 it depicts a whale trip Russell took from 1841 – 1945. The restored, tempura on cotton work is 1275’ long and believed to be the world’s longest painting.

Skip with Lamont Thomas, author of Rise To Be A People – A Biography of Paul Cuffe at the dedication of the Paul Cuffe Park, New Bedford Whaling Museum 9/21/18.

Eric Jay Dolin, author of Leviathan - The History of Whaling in America Oak Bluffs Library, 9/29/18

Skip with Bonnie Stacy, Curator Martha's Vineyard Museum and artist Elizabeth Whelan at at MV Museum.
Elizabeth Whelan recently completed a portrait of Joe Belain, an African and Native American whaling captain originally from Aquinnah. Joe is featured in Skip Finley’s upcoming book, “Whaling Captains of Color: America's First Meritocracy.”

Claudia Smith Jacobs whale art detail

Absalom Boston Kolene Spicher

Charles W Morgan Richard King

Claudia Smith Jacobs whale art

Jeanna Shepard’s photo of Captain Martin’s Grave

Joseph Belain by Darrel Morris

William A. Martin by Darrel Morris

William A. Martin by Darrel Morris

MV Magazine 2014 article

Martha’s Vineyard Museum - August 2016

New Bedford Museum - May 2019

Martha’s Vineyard Sailing Camp - January 2017

Sperm Whale by Richard King